Trust Tim Rosener Trust Tim Rosener

Charter Review Committee is being Formed

Sherwood Needs You!

The City is forming a Charter Review Committee! Want to get involved? Want to help improve our checks and balances and make sure our government serves the community? Click here to learn more.

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Sherwood West Tim Rosener Sherwood West Tim Rosener

Call to Action: UGB expansion could add 2800 Homes.

Sherwood is considering an expansion of the Urban Growth Boundary. The current proposed expansion could add 2,800 homes, 9,576 people, 2,576 students to Sherwood over the next 6 to 15 years. Special Interest groups that represent large developers are pulling out all the stops to push this through. We need to hear from the citizens of Sherwood as well. 

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Sherwood West Tim Rosener Sherwood West Tim Rosener

Sherwood West Poll Results

The Results are in! Thanks to everyone for taking part in the poll and being part of the debate. Over 600 people took the poll. Want to make sure you have the chance to respond to future polls? Please like and follow my facebook page. That is where I will post new polls in the future.

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Sherwood West Tim Rosener Sherwood West Tim Rosener

POLL: Sherwood West UGB Expansion

Sherwood is considering asking Metro to expand the Urban Growth Boundary on the West Side of Sherwood. This expansion would add 626 acres of land Over the next ten years, this has the potential of adding up to 5155 homes and increasing our population by 51% to 76%, Take the poll!

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Sherwood West Tim Rosener Sherwood West Tim Rosener

Are we ready for 3,868 to 5,155 more homes?

On November 7th, 2017 in a Sherwood City Council work session, the council decided to have the city manager send a non-binding letter of interest to Metro stating our intentions to request an expansion of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) by 626 acres (455 developable). This letter did not commit us to a 626-acre expansion, it was only a non-binding letter of intent. The council will have to decide whether to formalize the request, change the size of the request or withdraw from the process all together.

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Trust Tim Rosener Trust Tim Rosener

Rebuilding Faith in Local Government

Our Citizens have given us the opportunity to press the reset button and rebuild public confidence in local government. How did they do this, they did it with the power of the vote. It is time for our elected leaders to take a new approach to governing. Find out what I am doing to rebuild faith in local government.

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Tim Rosener Tim Rosener

Coffee with a Councilor?

Being part of the community, listening and talking with the citizens is job one for anyone aspiring to hold public office. I want to hear what you have to say about the challenges and opportunities that we face in our community.  How do you want to connect? Coffee, Social Media, email? 

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Tim Rosener Tim Rosener

02-20-2018, City Council Meeting Wrap up!

We have taken a big step toward getting a skate park!

The council authorized city staff to apply for a grant to build a skate park at the YMCA. What's next? The staff will apply for the grant on April 1st.  We should hear back from the state in September. Assuming it is approved, we should be starting construction in the spring of 2019.  

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Skate Park Tim Rosener Skate Park Tim Rosener

Sherwood Skate Park?

Do we need A skate park in Sherwood? I think so, however, I want to know what you think. See the results of a community poll on this matter and other interesting studies and what our neighbors are doing when it comes to Skate Parks.

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