Sherwoodian's, I need your help.
Citizens of Sherwood, I need your help.
Please take the survey below and show support for the Sherwood Blake Street Project. Poll closes on October 7th.
The city has applied for a grant from Metro to start the planning process for a new street in the Tonquin Employment Area (TEA). The TEA is the land between 124th and Tonquin Road. This new road will help us attract new industrial and commercial development, bringing more family-wage jobs to Sherwood.
Goal One of the City Council Goals and Objectives makes economic development and the build out of infrastructure in the TEA to attract new business a high priority.
“Goal 1: Economic Development
Update Economic Development Plan as part of the Comprehensíve Plan Project.
Build infrastructure to Entice New Commercial and Industrial Development.
Strive toward balancing our Tax Base.
Pursue Annexation of Tonquin Employment Area to Open Up Financing Options for
infrastructure Funding and Construction.”
484 people have weighed in on the Blake street project in the poll as of the 25th of September:
11 People in the Sherwood zip code have taken the survey. Not surprisingly, the projects getting the most support are the projects where more people are completing the survey; those same people are rating our project very low. (See map below)
The bottom line is people outside of Sherwood are ranking are project low. We need to speak up and let Metro know what we think and not let Portland dominate the poll.
Please take the poll, and if you agree, show your support for the Blake Street project and reducing congestion on our roads.
Proposed Blake Street Project
Poll Respondents by region as of 9/25/2019
Poll Results as of 9/25/2019.
For those of you that like to do your research, here is some additional reading:
Metro TPAC Agenda with Project Details
Study: Transit Times Car vs Rail.